Friday 20 July 2012

Author Interview - Kim Curran

Hi there!! Here is another excellent interview for you guys! ( I spoil you lot don't I? lol)
This one is with the awesome Kim Curran. She has her debut book out in September, it's called Shift and I can't wait to read it!....

With the release of your debut book Shift later this year, how are you feeling about life as a writer?

Terrified pretty much sums it up. But incredibly excited as well.Knowing that in a matter of weeks people around the world will be able to walk into a shop, or go online, and buy my book, it’s the dream come true. But that comes with lots of anxiety. Will they like it? Will anyone other than my mother buy a copy? But one thing is sure: I know that I don’t want to do any thing else with my life.


Where did you find the inspiration for Shift?

I can remember the exact moment when the idea for Shift appeared in my head. I was on a bus on my way home from work. It was raining. I was looking at all the people scurrying around on the streets below and wondering if they were happy with the decisions they’d made in their lives. At the same time, I was just thinking about a book I’d read on quantum physics. And the idea appeared:What if you could change a decision in the same way light shifts from wave to particle?Everything else just spiraled out from that thought.


Do you think there has been any one author who has inspired or influenced you?

There have been many, many authors who have influenced me. To name just a handful: Anthony Horowitz, Charlie Higson, William Gibson, Lauren Buekes and Lee Child.


So, on your blog, you have a picture of the 'cast' for Shift. Does that mean there is a movie on the way?

I wish! Some of my biggest influences are movies. And I’ve been told that my writing is very filmic. So I would like nothing more than to see Shift interpreted as a film. But no. That ‘cast’ was just a friend of mine having fun. She did a great job I think.


What book are you reading at the moment?

One of the best things about being a writer is that you get to make lots of writer friends, who then let you read their books before they’re published! So I’m currently reading Blackwood, by Gwenda Bond, which is being published by Strange Chemistry on the same day as Shift. It’s an incredible, compelling story of mystery and romance and so brilliantly told. I’m finding it really hard to put it down so I can get on with my editing.


What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

It was probably about my first book (which is now living in my bottom draw wondering if I’ve forgotten it). An agent said they found my writing‘flat’. But I learnt from that and used it to help me grow as a writer. Any criticism given with the intention of helping you is a good thing. Snarky, mean criticism, well… that’s not so useful.


What has been the best compliment?

Someone told me they missed their Tube stop as they were so engrossed in my book. That was pretty awesome.


Are there any aspects of writing that you don't enjoy?

Reviews. I know they’re necessary and important for readers. But as an author I find them painful at times. So I have promised myself I just won’tread them.


If you could change one of your own past decisions, would you and which one would it be?

Great question! I’m not someone who regrets my choices that much (I spend too much time worrying about the future!). Sometimes, I wonder if I should have applied to Oxford University like my teachers wanted me to. But then, I don’t think I would have ended up going out with the gorgeous 17-year old guy who challenged me on why I really wanted to go. That gorgeous 17-year old guy is now my gorgeous husband of six years.


What are your hopes for the next five years?

To have at least five books on the shelves. After Shift, there will be the sequel, Control, and, if I’m really lucky, a third book in the Shift world.I also have another book that’s nearly finished about our relationship with social networks, which I want to get polished up and out there. And beyond that I want to keep learning and growing as a writer. And of course, a film deal would be rather nice!


Is there any advice you were given, or would love to have been given,when you first started writing?

Two bits of advice have stuck with me. First: Tenacity counts for more than talent. And second: Being a writer isn’t making stories up. It’s getting stories down. I’ve taken them to mean that whatever happens, you just have to keep on writing.


Is there anything that you would like to say to your fans and readers?

Thank you. That’s all I can ever say to anyone who has been kind enough to pick up one of my books. A massive and heartfelt thank you! That and I hope you enjoy it. If any of you want to get in touch, just head to my website. I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you so much Kim for taking the time to answer my questions. I would love to see Shift as a film! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!

What did you guys think? Leave a comment and let us know.

See you next post,

Kaylie :0)


  1. Getting to know the writers always always affects my interest in their books. Knowing the spark behind Shift makes me very glad I'll be buying it and having Kim sign it in Chicago!

    1. I love Author interviews too. I like feeling a bit more connected with an author when I read their book. It makes it a much more enjoyable experiance I think. :)


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